Products Blog preview of 16" Single-Use Depth Filter Capsule

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First of all - we are pleased that you are reading our first blog post on the vipur Product Blog and “Welcome you to the World of Filtration and Separation”! We, that is my employees and I - Wolfgang Steindl-Kratochvil founder and managing director of vipur GmbH - vienna purification.


16" Depth Filter Capsules

Our blog picture shows three different 16" Single-Use depth filter capsules. We would like to focus on these in our first product article - with a few emotions and not with a simple table comparison of the advantages and disadvantages.

16" capsules are one of our favorite topics, as their introduction led to significant changes in the production sector and there is still an emotional debate about their use.

We can draw on two pillars of our history in this area:

  • more than 15 years of experience with 16" Single-Use systems
  • more than 20 years of experience in handling 16" filter elements


Why are there actually Single-Use Capsules?

First of all, it's all about concentration, precision, effort and work safety when fitting 16" modules.

There is probably nothing more impressive for a filtration officer in the area of "mass movement in production" than lifting a 70kg 16" stainless steel filter dome using a hoist. A 4-fold high 16" filter housing must then be fitted with modules via a central guide rod more than 1m high. The filter dome must then be lowered back down over the modules using a hoist and the dome securely closed at the bottom of the housing. It is more physically challenging to lift a 2-fold high 16" stainless steel filter dome over 16" modules without a cable pull and without damaging the modules at the edges. We have often experienced both and it is still impressive for us to see how many kilograms of stainless steel are moved in everyday production.

Due to our history, we have very often equipped pilot and production holders with capsules - especially on a pilot scale. We can therefore say that the Single-Use system has clear advantages in terms of handling and occupational safety. There is another benefit worth mentioning, namely the elimination of cleaning validation. I will never forget the statement from our engineering manager, who said: "The two points that are primarily checked externally are the management of change controls and cleaning validation." As we all know, these two areas are the most challenging in any process.

Further general advantages:

  • In comparison with flat-sealed modules, the uncertainty of fixing by means of a locking screw is eliminated.
  • Elimination of special solutions for draining residue from the bottom of the module housing with stainless steel housings.
  • Easier handling compared to 16" filter housings, especially if these are also designed with multiple places.
  • Quick and safe assembly of the capsules in a production holder.

As there are no advantages without disadvantages, we will also list these:

  • The 1:1 cost comparison of a 16" capsule to a 16" module with the same surface area.
  • The mass of polypropylene that is discarded after a single use.


With ErtelAlsop MicroCap Pro™, vipur has a 16" capsule series available in which the depth filter series Micromedia® XL, DXL, PXL and MicroClear® activated carbon can be installed depending on customer requirements. Due to the internal structure of the capsules, both single and double-layer depth filter media can be used. The capsule has two opposing handles and can be easily positioned in the respective holder by hand.


What we particularly like about the system:

  • With the smallest pilot holder, no manifolds are required on the up/downstream side when using just one depth filter capsule.
    → This not only saves costs, but also conserves resources.
  • 2" in-/outlets of the manifolds ensure low differential pressures due to the large inner diameter.
  • 16" capsules with activated carbon layers are available.
  • MicroCap Pro™ are suitable for mounting in competitor holders.
  • The MicroCap Pro™ capsules are loaded and removed horizontally and therefore require minimal physical effort.
  • MicroCap Pro™ capsules are available in three different capsule designs (0,66m²/ 1,09m²/1,53m²).


If you have any further questions or suggestions regarding 16" Single-Use depth filter capsules, we look forward to receiving your feedback.


Have a nice day,
the vipur team and Wolfgang Steindl-Kratochvil